Bit By Bit Counting

“No planning No work”

Gneral out line of development

  • Stage 1
    1. Build simple system of RFiC as concept-of-proof (*)
    2. Getting published the concept-of-proof of RFiC as a conference publication.(*)
    3. Build a library for fast LFSR, BBS pseudo random number generator and RFiC Counting and other functions.(**)
    4. Build a command line tool to check local files integrity (rfic).(***)
      1. Perl Based rfic comand line tool
        1. TODO details >
        2. Development Status >
    5. Run existence test on local files for performance analysis.(***)


  • (*) - Finished
  • (**) - Currentely doing
  • (***) - Yet to start


Assigne / Modify Task ( only for developers )

Submit/view assigned tasks and their status.

Currentely in development

 prfic [ Command utility build in perl ]

 study [ RFiC related study ]

 res [ RFiC related Research ]

 www [ RFiC www pages ]

Yet under discussion and planning

 Crypt::rfic [ Perl Module ]

 Documentation [ RFiC Documentation ]

 mod_rfic [ Apache Module ]

 rfic [ Command utility build in c ]

 rficd [ Dimon to use as a service ]

 rficp [ Protocole ]