Bit By Bit Counting

Learn how it work and how to make it work

Discription Name
Protocole rficp
Command utility build in c rfic

Command utility build in perl

Dimon to use as a service rficd
Apache Module mod_rfic
Perl Module Crypt::rfic


  1. rficp
  2. rfic
  3. prfic
  4. rficd
  5. mod_rfic
  6. Crypt::rfic


  1. prfic
  2. rfic
  3. rficd
  4. mod_rfic
  5. Crypt::rfic


  1. What is RFIC
  2. What is rficp


  1. File Integrity Checking, a study of existing system [Txt File].
  2. Architecture of RFiC System [Txt File]


  1. Introduction to RFiC

Research Publications

  1. A Time and Storage Efficient Solution to Remote File Integrity Check (IAS08) [Abstract] [PDF]

Other Documents

  1. Yet to update

Standard Documents

  1. Yet to update


Creative Commons License

All the documents in this site by Vipin M, Sarad AV, Sanker K is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 2.5 India License.
Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at permissions page.